IEC Prepacked Columns

Prepacked Columns Product Ordering
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  • Ordering Information

Different ion exchange columns can be offered by Suzhou Nanomicro Technology, including which are prepacked with our polymer based resin families like NanoGel (PS-DVB)Nano (PS-DVB), UniGel (PMMA) and Uni (PMMA) or suger based resin families like NW Rose (agarose), NW Rose Plus (agarose)NW Dex(dextran). Almost all of these ion exchange resin families have frequently used functional groups including SCX (SP),SAX(Q),WCX(CM) and WAX (DEAE).

These columns differ in size and column hardware materials. Normally small columns(NmTRAP/NmSCREEN/NmVALID/NmLOAD) with column bed volumn range from 1 to 5 mL are offered for early stage media screen, and 10 to 50 mL (NmVALID/NmPREP/NmLOAD)for chromatography purification method development and optimization, 100mL to 500mL (NmVALID/NmLOAD)for method characterization and validation, and also prepacked columns from 2 to 10 L(NmPILOT)for pilot scale purification and product preparation.

ColumnsColumn BedColumn Hardware MaterialsMax PressurePrefix Code
SeriesNameID(mm)H(mm)Volume (mL)MPa
NmTRAPNmTRAP 1 mL7.7221PP177221-
NmTRAP 5 mL1625516255-
NmSCREENNmSCREEN 4.7 mL7.71004.777105
NmPREPNmPREP 16/100161002016103
NmPREP 26/100261005326103
NmVALIDNmVALID 8/10081005GLASS308101-
NmVALID 8/20082001008201-
NmVALID 8/30083001508301-
NmVALID 8/40084002008401-
NmVALID 8/50085002508501-
NmVALID 8/60086003008601-
NmVALID 11/1001110092.511101-
NmVALID 11/200112001911201-
NmVALID 11/300113002811301-
NmVALID 11/400114003811401-
NmVALID 11/500115004711501-
NmVALID 11/600116005711601-
NmLOADNmLOAD 16/1001610020216101-
NmLOAD 16/200162004016201-
NmLOAD 16/300163006016301-
NmLOAD 16/400164008016401-
NmLOAD 16/5001650010016501-
NmLOAD 16/6001660012116601-
NmLOAD 26/10026100531.526101-
NmLOAD 26/2002620010626201-
NmLOAD 26/3002630015926301-
NmLOAD 26/4002640021226401-
NmLOAD 26/5002650026526501-
NmLOAD 26/6002660031826601-
NmLOAD 50/100501001960.350101-
NmLOAD 50/2005020039350201-
NmLOAD 50/3005030058950301-
NmLOAD 50/4005040078550401-
NmLOAD 50/5005050098150501-
NmLOAD 50/60050600117850601-
NmPILOTNmPILOT 100/100100100785PP0.510105-
NmPILOT 100/150100150117810155-
NmPILOT 100/200100200157010205-
NmPILOT 200/10020010031400.320105-
NmPILOT 200/150200150471020155-
NmPILOT 200/200200200628020205-

We offer products with various size with prepacked IEC resins. For detailed ordering information, please contact local sales or leave a message on this website.